Our renovations to the sanctuary, classrooms, and foyer have been completed. We are so excited to invite everyone to come and see. There are great things happening at Calvary Dalton, and we would love for you to be a part of it. You can find us at 2115 East Morris Street in Dalton, GA ... just look for our New Sign!

We invite you visit us on Sunday mornings at 10am for Sunday School and 11am for Morning Worship. And, on Wednesday evenings, we offer a hotdog supper as well as offer bus transportation. The children participate in a fun and interactive time in TeamKid while the adults meet in the sanctuary for Prayer and Bible Study. The youth also gather on Wednesday evening to share in a time of fun, fellowship, and learning.
Come and join us, and experience Calvary Dalton! See what is happening here.
For more, information contact us at calvarydalton@gmail.com
